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Ruby One SDK

Challenges with Traditional Wallets

In the blockchain application domain, DApps have become the most popular application form. However, to facilitate interactions between DApps and users, they usually rely on browser plugin wallets or mobile App wallets. Even though this method is mainstream at present, it still poses numerous challenges and pain points.

Installation and Usage Barriers

For many non-technical users, the installation and configuration process of browser plugins can be technically daunting. Different browsers or even different versions of the same browser might have compatibility issues. Moreover, these wallets require users to either create or import a private key, a process that can be quite complex for newcomers. Especially for DApps trying to attract users from Web2.0, this can be a significant hurdle.

Private Key Management Issues

Most browser and mobile App wallets necessitate that users manage their private keys. Losing the private key translates to a permanent loss of assets, while a leaked key can lead to theft. For the majority of users, this high-risk management mode is not user-friendly.

Compatibility Issues

When developing a DApp, developers need to ensure its compatibility with multiple browser plugins and mobile App wallets. This means higher development and testing costs, and longer go-live cycles.

Discontinuity in User Experience

When users switch from one device to another, they have to reinstall and reconfigure the wallet plugin or App. This adds unnecessary complexity and disrupts the continuity of the user experience.

Updates and Security Concerns

Browser plugins and App wallets need regular updates to ensure their functionality and safety. However, users might not update in a timely manner, exposing them to potential security risks.

Ruby One's Solution

Compared to the traditional approach, Ruby One offers an innovative solution.

Lowered Barriers to Use

Ruby One offers users a pure Web application experience. Users don't need to install any plugins or apps; they can access and use it directly through a Web browser. Furthermore, users can swiftly sign up using their familiar email addresses.

Advanced Private Key Management

Ruby One employs a secret sharing algorithm to distribute the storage of private keys, ensuring that even if segments of the key leak, the entire key isn't compromised. This greatly alleviates user management burdens and enhances security.

Enhanced Development Experience

Ruby One SDK provides DApp developers with a straightforward integration method, freeing them from worrying about compatibility issues with various wallets.

Continuous User Experience

Users need to register only once, and can easily access and manage their assets on any device.

Secure Updates

As a Web application, Ruby One ensures all users are using the latest, most secure version, without the concerns of outdated security risks.

In conclusion, compared to traditional DApp integration methods, Ruby One offers a more streamlined, efficient, and secure solution, greatly optimizing both developer efficiency and user experience.

Core Features of the Ruby One SDK

  • EIP1193 Compatible API: Ruby One's application provides an EIP1193-compatible interface consistent with MetaMask, ensuring seamless integration with existing DApps.
  • Seamless Embedding: The SDK embeds and hides Ruby One's application within the current DApp. All EIP1193 calls are forwarded to Ruby One for processing, offering an experience and usage habit very similar to mainstream wallets.
  • Support for Mainstream Frontend Libraries: Ruby One SDK seamlessly supports major Ethereum frontend development libraries like web3-react, ethers.js, and web3.js.

Why Choose the Ruby One SDK?

  • Security: Leveraging the advanced safety features of the Ruby One contract account wallet to ensure user asset security.
  • Zero Learning Curve: Developers familiar with MetaMask development can easily integrate the Ruby One SDK.
  • Pure Web Experience: Users can directly enjoy the social login habits of the Web2.0 era without the need to download or install any browser plugins.

Getting Started

To integrate the Ruby One SDK, first ensure you're familiar with the EIP1193 standard and the use of popular Ethereum frontend libraries. Next, simply follow the steps in subsequent tutorials for easy configuration.