Ruby Connect Frontend Architecture
Framework and Technology
- Vue UI framework
- ElementUI
- Vuex
- Vue router
Project setup
yarn install or npm install
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
yarn serve or npm run serve
Compiles and minifies for production
yarn build or npm run build
Customize Configuration
How to Interact with the Vue Frontend
- src/rubyClient.js exports a JS object rubyApp , which provides all necessary APIs to interact with the contract:
- initRubyEthClient : initialize a client to interact with a specific Ruby contract that has been deployed on a chain;
- rubyEthLogin : retrieve contract status from the chain for a Ruby account secret
- rubyEthRegister : register a Ruby account with a provided secret
- rubyEthDeposit : deposit certain amount of native tokens on the Ruby contract
- rubyEthWithdraw : withdraw a certain amount of native tokens from the Ruby contract
- rubyEthTransfer : transfer a certain amount of Ruby tokens from one account to another
- When the frontend project initializes, it imports rubyClient in src/main.js , creates a client instance through initRubyClient , and stores it in a vue instance, so that the whole frontend can call the above APIs through $ruby .